Ruth Thomas Garden Design 

Winter Wonderland 

As the winter chill settles in, the garden might not be the first thing on your mind. But did you know that winter is actually the perfect time to start thinking about your outdoor oasis? That's right – employing a garden designer during the colder months can be a surprisingly savvy move, and here's why.


Plan Ahead to Enjoy Your Garden in Summer:

Designing and building a garden is no small feat. It involves discussing your ideas, crafting the design, choosing the right materials and plants, and, of course, finding and contracting a landscaper. This process takes time, and sometimes it can take longer than you might expect. By starting your garden design work over the winter, you ensure that you have the design and build ready and lined up for next summer. When the warm weather finally arrives, your garden will be primed and ready for you to enjoy.


Beat the Summer Rush:

If you've ever tried to book a holiday getaway at the last minute, you know how challenging it can be when everyone else is vying for the same dates. The same principle applies to garden designers, landscapers, and even the plants you want in your garden. By getting ahead of everyone else and booking your designer, plants, and landscaper before their diaries fill up in summer, you avoid the scramble and ensure that your garden project gets the attention it deserves.


Planting for Success:

Plants are like the heart and soul of your garden, and they need a bit of love and attention to thrive. For best results, they should be planted at certain times of the year. Autumn and spring are the ideal seasons, as the weather is not too cold and not too hot. If you get your garden designed in autumn or winter, your plants can be in the ground and start to establish themselves before you want to revel in your garden's beauty during the summer. This extra time allows your plants to take root, become more resilient, and ultimately provide a lusher and more vibrant display when the warm season arrives.


Dreaming of Summer Magic:

On those long, dark winter evenings when the garden is tucked away under a blanket of snow or in the cold embrace of frost, it's the perfect time to dream. By involving a garden designer in your winter plans, you can indulge in envisioning how great your garden will look when the summer sun graces it with its warmth and light. Let your imagination roam and let the designer's expertise guide you towards a garden that matches your dreams.


So, if you're a garden enthusiast who wants to make the most of your outdoor space and ensure a beautiful, thriving garden for the summer, consider employing a garden designer in winter. It's a wise choice that allows you to plan ahead, beat the summer rush, ensure successful planting, and indulge in your garden's summer dreams. Your garden will thank you, and you'll thank yourself when you're basking in its glory on a sunny summer day.